Thursday, June 11, 2009


It's been more than a few weeks. Time has flown past quickly. We apologize for the very delayed post.

Yosemite - Pronounced (Yo-Seh-Mah-Tee):

Our trip to Yosemite has been so enriching that we find ourselves wandering back to those trails and waterfalls in our minds. Here's a quick recap of the trip and the pictures that do not do the actual place justice...

Day 1: Giant Sequoias

We were lucky it rained and snowed on Friday but stopped on Sat when we arrived. The roads were still open, but the snow hasn't melted. We did a hike to Fallen Tree and saw many incredible Giant Sequoias on the way. Many of them look charred. That could be due to controlled foresting or getting struck by lighting, but the sheer size of the trees were jaw dropping.

We arrived rather early and so there were hardly any other people on the same trail. The air was pristine, it was quiet, there was still snow on the ground and the skies were blue as can be. It was really a perfect day.

Day 2: Waterfalls

There are many different waterfalls and trails. We chose to visit Brideshead and Yosemite Falls.

We also did a rather steep hike up Vernal Falls. It's one of the most popular trails and it's no wonder. The sights are awe-inspiring. As we were scaling up the steep steps, we couldn't believe we were actually there in the midst of nature at its best, even though there were a ton of other tourist trying to get up there.

We got quite soaked from the spray from the waterfall, but the sun was out and it all dried up in no time.

It was such a life-changing experience and we cannot wait to go back, perhaps try out some trails that are less traversed.

Till then...

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