Monday, June 23, 2008

Moving Day

(As explained in my previous post, we did not have internet access until today. The following took place over the course of a week. Disjointed time lapses may occur =)

Moving Day was finally upon us. After days of late night packing, throwing, wiping...we were finally ready to move! It was quite unfortunate (mostly for the movers at least) that LA would be hit by a heatwave so strong that kids and pets were not allowed to be left in cars unattended. It was 108 degrees Fahrenheit in Woodland Hills (which was about 42 degrees celsius when I converted!! That's NUTS!!) Jien and I mostly took cover in the house, where it was considerably cooler in the basement, while the movers earned every penny they made!

We transplanted our old apt into the basement.

By noon, we were done! The old Elaine would have finished unpacking by now, with everything in place and not one single item lying where it does not belong. =) Sorely lacking the same stamina, new Elaine is relishing in the newfound joy of unpacking..slowly.

Our bed and mattress arrived on Sunday, along with my precious bookshelves and Jien was all set since the satellite dish got installed the same day. He got to watch the end of the Spain-Italy match which made him a very happy man.

My library nook in the living room.

Jien's TV in the basement office.

(On a side note, while the delivery guys were here delivering the bed + bookshelves, a tiny little bird flew in. It couldn't find a way out and kept flying into the window. Jien tried to catch it and the more he tried, the more the bird squealed, if birds do squeal that is. It was obviously pushed to its limits when it started releasing its bowels...on our kitchen floor. Poor bird. Julio our delivery guy brilliantly took a paper towel to catch it and then released it outdoors. Jien's co-worker said it's good luck to have a bird poop in the house. We'll take that. )

Here are more pictures of half finished rooms...and our rug.

Our unfinished master bedroom.

Master Bath - We could just stay in here all day =)

Unfinished upstairs guest room.

Basement guest room - We've been hiding out here from the heat.

Half of the office/study - More architecture/interior/art books.

We're going to get our fridge and washer/dryer this weekend. It would be nice to have ice around here, or to be able to wash our clothes.

That's all the updates we have for now. Our couch will be coming on Saturday and our trash containers on Monday. Stay nice and cool everyone!!

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