Saturday, July 19, 2008

And we have ICE...

Ever since the LG Steam washer and dryer first appeared in that one appealing commercial where the woman took off her dress and tossed it into the dryer to "refresh", and it was ready to wear again in 15 mins, we have been hankering for the pair of dark blue wonder units. They have been delivered, and we haven't had more fun doing laundry. We haven't exactly tried the "Refresh" function, but it does make pleasant sounds (tunes or melodies, really) when the laundry is done. =)

AND, we have ICE! The refridgerator has been a life saver in more ways than one. After weeks of eating out and eating too much (because we couldn't keep leftovers), we can finally cook and also exercise a ton of portion control.

The screensaver flashes different pictures. So Hypnotic!

Touch Screen function.

We've been busy busy busy on the weekends. Went to Ikea and bought this whole closet system to fix ourselves. Jien said we should fix closets for a living. I say we aim for other aspirations.

We also bought barstools for the counter. Since we do not have a dining table set yet, we've been eating at the counter.

Next up....Window coverings and Composite wood decking on patio. This might take awhile since we need to get HOA approval. We'll try to finish up the closet soon so we can finally not have to live out of our suitcases!

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Arrival of the Infamous Couch..and 4th of July Fireworks!

Our couch is here! Nice, new and...white. We've been carefully censoring ourselves. Whether we can take a sit would greatly depend on what we were wearing. Dark denim and jeans were stictly prohibited. We'll see how long this lasts. =) Kind of silly to have a sofa you can't sit on. It'll wear off soon I'm sure. Here are some pictures of the couch in many different angles. I got a little self-indulgent while taking the pictures. =)

I just had to throw this picture of my reading corner in. =)

(The following just happened..right before I wrote this.)
We've just experienced our best 4th of July fireworks to date! All these years, we've been perfectly contented to see fireworks only on TV, pre-recorded from New York three hours earlier, not bothering to jostle with the crowds and the heavy traffic at local events. We moved into this house not knowing it holds the best view of the fireworks display at Warner Park, in front of Warner Center! This is simply the icing on the cake, completely unexpected but greatly appreciated! We didn't even know there were going to be fireworks until late last night or we could have invited some friends over. I wish we had pictures to share, but it was too dark, our camera has embarrassing range and we were completely mesmerized! Next year we'll hold a 4th of July bbq and fireworks event, so mark your calendars!

Here are some pictures of Warner Center from our top level deck. The fireworks literally shot up in front of the buildings. We'll leave the rest to your imagination! =)

Our LG Steam washing machine and dryer are coming tomorrow! Laundry at last!